Press Garden Zone

The latest news from the H.T.I grapevine.

Chao games showcase and ARCINDIE submissions open. The countdown begins…

#3 - August 2024

This summer has been packed full of community socials through our Discord Server. It’s been great catching up with much of the community and playing games with you all! If you missed out on any of these social events this Summer and would like to get involved our next community social is on October 8th.
Having reached the end of August, behind-the-scenes preparations for arcINDIE and Chao Games Showcase events are running at full steam! I think you will all have much to be excited about in November!


It’s also important to remind developers that the trailer submission period for the Directs closes on September 30th. While that is a month from now, it will come around before you know it.

Developers will need to have made and submitted their demo booths by November 4th for fan games, or November 12th for Indie games. Trailers must also be provided by September 30th. 

For more information on how to submit this year head over to the events page.

We hope you all had a good summer,

Flapperultra and the H.T.I team.

Chao games showcase and ARCINDIE submissions open. The countdown begins…

#2 - June 2024

This month has been a busy month for us at H.T.I. Staff and event planners have worked super hard, updating documents, reviewing the previous events, and creating new assets to make these events bigger and better than ever! Now, we are really happy to share that as of today, submissions to ARCINDIE and Chao Games Showcase are open!

Yes INDIE’D, our event for Indie games, has been rebranded. From this year forward it will be known as ARCINDIE! No need to worry; the event will continue to feature the Direct-style presentation, dev talks, live-streams, and of course, Demo booths, you have all come to expect from an H.T.I. event. Hopefully this year, the event won’t be so easily confused with a certain job-hunting website…
Chao Games Showcase, our fan game expo, will also remain structurally unchanged outside of some event dates. Please take a look at the community events calendar at the top of this page to see exactly what day expo events take place or start.

Developers will need to have made and submitted their demo booths by November 4th for fan games, or November 12th for Indie games. Trailers must also be provided by September 30th. 

For more information on how to submit this year head over to the events page.

We wish all those planning to submit this year the best of luck and if anyone needs support in the process, feel free to let our team know through the forum, Twitter, or our discord server.

Many thanks,

Flapperultra and the H.T.I team.

Welcome to a new look H.T.I

#1 - May 2024

It’s hard to imagine that four years ago, under the most chaotic and challenging circumstances, the Hedgehog Technical Institute community first came together. While not a major anniversary I am proud to look back at how far we have come since. Our last expo month was a huge success and I look forward to sharing more information about this year's expos in this month's State of the Community update.

This is the first state of the community post that we have been able to write in a long time. H.T.I was always intended to be a community run, for the community. Bringing back these monthly updates will give you all an insight into the goings on within the community and decisions behind the scenes. I hope you find these updates insightful going forward.

The first thing I want to cover is the updated site! The main page has been significantly updated to make the site easier to navigate and engage with. While the main site pages have been completely revamped, next month we will introduce a new create page full of development advice and resources alongside material and information for this year's expo month. This update has not affected the forum pages and there are no current plans to update the forum look.

As briefly mentioned above, yes, next month we will be opening the submission period for our expos in November. I would love to reveal more details now, but we are still getting a few things ready for the announcement. Stay tuned!

We are also opening up several new positions for event planners. Over the years our event planners have helped us significantly by contributing their skills with art, graphic design, and video editing. Without the help of our event planners, we would not be able to run our events to the same quality we have. If you are interested in contributing to the community by helping us organize and produce our events then please submit an application through the below Google form.

Please feel free to send us your thoughts on this update and the new site design through both our discord and forum.

Many thanks,

Flapperultra and the H.T.I team.

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